At the Whinless Down Academy Trust, we intend to provide children with opportunities to learn and practice key scientific skills that enable them to find out about the physical and natural world. We support children in learning a broad range of knowledge across the Science curriculum, developing an understanding of the associated scientific vocabulary alongside this. We promote the importance of asking questions and using different approaches to find the answers. Children will be taught to develop their working scientifically skills. They will apply their existing scientific knowledge to support investigative work, whilst also building their scientific knowledge further when drawing conclusions from their investigative work.
- The Science curriculum is designed in line with the National Curriculum and aims to build on prior learning that has already taken place. It systematically builds knowledge, skills and understanding across topics
Teachers check in on prior knowledge to ensure teaching is relevant to the learners and retrieval practice is used to ensure key concepts are learned and remembered
Knowledge Organsiers are used to outline to key knowledge to learn and remember, alongside associated vocabulary
Our curriculum provides a range of opportunities to work scientifically across topics
Science is taught and recorded in a range of different ways to reflect learning styles and individual needs
It is taught as part of our creative curriculum so it gives the learning opportunities a context
Scientific skills are modelled by adults so children have examples to see these being used effectively
By the end of primary school, Science learners should leave us with:
- A curiosity about the natural and physical world
- Ability to ask questions and have the (working scientifically) skills to follow these lines of enquiry
- A broad range of knowledge to prepare them for Science at KS3