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Whinless Down Academy

Whinless Down Academy

Skills Progression



Key Stage 1 

Lower Key Stage 2 

Upper Key Stage 2 





  • Copy and explore basics movement and body patterns with clear control  
  • Remember simple movements and dance steps.  
  • Links movements to sound and music.  
  • Responds imaginatively to a range of stimuli.   
  • Varies levels and speed and body shapes in sequence.  
  • Describes a short dance using appropriate vocabulary.   Begins to improvise independently and with a partner to create a simple dance. 
  • Translates ideas from stimuli to movement with support.


Building on previous key stage, children will be able to:

  • Begin to compare and adapt movements and motifs to create a larger sequence.
  • Use simple dance vocabulary to compare and improve work.
  • Confidently improvises with a partner and on their own to a range of musical genres
  • Demonstrate precision and some control in a response to stimuli.

Building on previous key stage, children will be able to:

  • Begin to vary dynamics and develop actions and motifs using expression when moving.
  • Demonstrate rhythm and spatial awareness and exaggerate dance movements and motifs (using expression when moving)
  • Begin to create longer dance sequences in a larger group demonstrating fluency across the sequence Combine flexibility, techniques and movements to create a fluent sequence.
  • Move appropriately with the style in relation to the music.
  • Begin to show a change of pace and timing in their movements.
  • Uses the space provided to the maximum. 
  • Improvises with confidence to a range of genres both individually and in groups
  • Modifies parts of a sequence as a result of peer or selfevaluation. 
  • Uses more complex dance vocabulary to compare and improve work.

 Perform with confidence using a range of movement patterns

KS1: Travel, Stillness, Direction,

Space, Body parts, Levels, Speed



LKS2: Travel, Stillness, Direction,

Space, Body parts, Levels, Speed, Space, Repetition, Action and reaction, Pattern




UPKS2: Travel, Stillness, Direction,

Space, Body parts, Levels

Speed, Space, Repetition

Action and reaction, Pattern,

Technique, Pattern, Rhythm,

Variation, Unison, Canon




Key Stage 1 

Lower Key Stage 2 

Upper Key Stage 2 





  • Perform different body shapes.
  • Perform a twofooted jump.
  • Use a range equipment safely and in a variety of ways to create a sequence
  • Describe their own work using simple gym vocabulary.
  • Begin to show flexibility in movements.
  • Begin to develop good technique when travelling, balancing and using equipment.
  • Explore and creates different pathways and patterns. Apply compositional ideas independently and with others to create a sequence.
  • Copy, explore and remember a variety of movements with control and coordination, and uses these to create their own sequence.


Building on previous key stage, children will be able to:

  • Links skills with control, technique, coordination and fluency.
  • Understands composition by performing more complex sequences. 
  • Uses gym vocabulary to describe how to improve and refine performances.
  • Develops strength, technique and flexibility throughout performances. 
  • Begins to notice similarities and differences between sequences.
  • Uses turns whilst travelling in a variety of ways. Adapts sequences including the use of apparatus to include a partner or a small group.
  • Gradually increases the length of a sequence with a partner to make up a short sequence using the floor, mats and apparatus, showing consistency, fluency and clarity of movement.
  • Creates sequences using various body shapes and equipment.

Building on previous key stage, children will be able to:

  • Plan and perform with precision, control and fluency, a movement sequence showing a wide range of actions including variations in speed, levels and directions.  Performs difficult actions, with an emphasis on extension, clear body shape and changes in direction. - Analyse and comment on skills and techniques and how these are applied in their own and others’ work. - Uses more complex gym vocabulary to describe how to improve and refine performances.
  • Develops strength, technique ad flexibility throughout performances. 
  • Select and combine their skills and ideas.
  • Apply combined skills accurately and appropriately consistently showing precision, control and flexibility.

KS1: Forwards, Backwards,

Sideways, Roll, Slow, Body parts,

Shape, Jump, Travel, Stretch,

Wide, Narrow, Balance, stretch

LKS2: push, pull, step, spring, crawl, still, slowly, tall, long, forwards, high, low, roll, copy, jump, land, balance, stretch


UPKS2: Muscles, Joints,


Rotation, Turn, Shape, Landing,

Take-off, Flight,






  • Receive a ball with basic control.
  • Begin to develop handeye coordination.
  • Participate in simple games. 
  • Confidently send large ball to others in a range of ways. Begin to apply and combine a variety of skills to a game situation.
  • Begin to develop own games with peers varying skills, actions and ideas and link these in ways that suit the games activity.
  • Understand and develop the importance of rules in a game.
  • Begin to develop an understanding of attacking and defending.


Building on previous key stage, children will be able to:


  • Understand tactics and composition by starting to vary how they respond.
  • Beginning to communicate with others during game situations. 
  • Uses skills with coordination and control with an understanding of spatial awareness
  • Works well in a group to develop various games.
  • Begin to understand how to compete with each other in a controlled manner.
  • Begin to select resources independently to carry out different skills. 
  • Develops own rules for new games.


Building on previous key stage, children will be able to:

  • Vary skills, actions and ideas and link these in ways that suit the games activity.
  • Shows confidence in using ball skills in various ways and can link these together.
  • Takes part in competitive games with a strong understanding of tactics and composition.
  • Confidently uses skills with coordination, control and fluency.
  • Compares and comments on skills to support creation of new games.
  • Makes suggestions as to what resource can be used to differentiate the game.
  • Apply knowledge of skills for attacking and defending
  • Uses running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and combination.
  • Modifies competitive games and uses ideas to create own games.

KS1: Striking, Catching, Own space, Team, Speed, Direction,

Passing, Controlling, Shooting,


LKS2: possession, Scoring, Keeping score, Making space, Pass/send/receive, Travel, Make use of space, Points/goals, Rules,

Tactics, Batting, Fielding,

Defending, Attacking, Hitting

UKS2: Keeping possession, Passing, Dribbling, Shooting,

Support, Marking,

Attackers/defenders, Team play,

Batting, Fielding, Defending,

Attacking, Hitting, Offside, Pitch



Key Stage 1 

Lower Key Stage 2 

Upper Key Stage 2 





  • Changes speed and direction when running.
  • Jumps from a standing position with accuracy. Performs a variety of throws with control and coordination.
  • Uses a range of equipment safely.

Building on previous key stage, children will be able to:

  • Begins to run at speeds appropriate for the distance.
  • Performs a running jump with some accuracy. Performs a variety of throws using a selection of equipment.
  • Uses equipment safely and with control.

Building on previous key stage, children will be able to:

  • Performs a running jump with more than one component. 
  • Begins to record peer’s performances and evaluate these. (times, scores)
  • Demonstrates accuracy and confidence in throwing and catching activities. 
  • Describes good athletic performance using correct vocabulary. 
  • Uses equipment safely and with good control.

KS1: accurate, speed, direction, control, co ordination

LKS2: speed, distance, accuracy, over arm, under arm, chest pass, throw, aim, control

UKS2: record, performance, speed, distance, accuracy, confidence, throw, control, co- ordination






  • Develops strong listening skills.
  • Uses and interprets simple maps.
  • Thinks activities throughout and problem solve using general knowledge.
  • Choose and apply strategies to solve problems with support.
  • Discuss and work with others in a group.
  • Demonstrates an understanding of how to stay safe.



UKS2: interpret, north, south, east, west, coordinates, team work, coordination, solving problems




  • Swims competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres. 
  • Uses a range of strokes effectively.
  • Performs a safe selfrescue in different water based situations. 
  • Swims competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres. 
  • Uses a range of strokes effectively.
  • Performs a safe selfrescue in different water based situations. 


LKS2: endurance, front crawl, back stroke, breast stroke, safety, strokes, rescue, tread water, length 

UKS2: endurance, front crawl, back stroke, breast stroke, safety, strokes, rescue, tread water, length



Key Stage 1 

Lower Key Stage 2 

Upper Key Stage 2 


Communication and Evaluation

  • Comments on own and others performance.
  • Gives basic comments on how to improve performance.
  • Uses appropriate vocabulary when giving feedback.
  • Watches and describes performances accurately.
  • Work with a partner or small group to improve their skills.
  • Makes suggestions on how to improve their work commenting on similarities and differences.
  • Learns from others how to improve their skills. Comment on tactics and techniques to help improve performances.
  • Watches and describes performances accurately.
  • learn from others how to improve their skills. Comment on tactics and techniques to help improve performances.
  • Make suggestions on how to improve their work commenting on similarities and differences.

LKS1: performance, feedback, evaluate

UKS1: performance, feedback, evaluate, positives, suggestions, next steps, improvements

KS1: performance, feedback, evaluate, positives, suggestions, next steps, improvements, similarities, differences

Healthy Lifestyles

  • Describes in basic form the effect exercise has on the body focussing on physical changes
  • Explains the importance of exercise and a healthy lifestyle.

Building on previous key stage, children will be able to: - Describe the effect exercise has on the body.

  • Explain the importance of exercise and a healthy lifestyle both physically and mentally. 
  • Understand the need to warm up and cool down.

Building on previous key stage, children will be able to:

- Describe the effect exercise has on the body focussing including heart rate, body temperature, blood flow.





KS1: heart beat, temperature, health, healthy, wellbeing

LKS2: physical, mental, heart rate, blood flow, health

UKS2: heart rate, blood flow, health, safety, mental, body temperature, wellbeing