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Whinless Down Academy

Whinless Down Academy

Term 4

Year 6 Term 4 

Key Concepts – Number –  Ratio, proportion and algebra.

  • Ratio shows the relationship between two values and can describe how one is related to another.
  • Ratio and proportion link to fractions and this needs to be explicitly stated and shown.
  • Ratio refers to the relationship between the quantities of two or more objects and it indicates the amount of one object contained in the other.
  • Proportion refers to the equality between two ratios.
  • Know how to find different percentages of a number.
  • Understand scale factor and how to scale shapes – relate this to ratio
  • Children begin to know that a number can be represented by a letter and that two letters the same, represent the same number while two different letters cannot represent the same number in an equation.
  • Children can work systematically to find all possible solutions to a problem.

Key Vocabulary





One in every,

One to every








Key Concepts –Topic- Statistics

  • Pie charts are based on angles within a circle.
  • A circle contains 360 degrees in total.
  • We need to use protractors to measure and draw segments in the pie chart.
  • To find the size of a segment we must divide 360 by the data required.
  • Children can ask and answer questions based on data in a pie chart.
  • Children can carry out a survey of their own design and choose the appropriate method of presenting it.
  • Children understand that the mean is one type of average.
  • We find the mean by adding the data together and dividing the sum by the number of data points collected.
  • Finding the mean is an application of the skill of addition and division.
  • Mean = Total ÷ number of items

Key Vocabulary



Pie Chart




Data sets



Common Misconceptions – Fractions, decimals and percentages

Children confuse ration and proportion.

When scaling, children choose the wrong operation or don’t apply the same operation to all sides of the shape.

Children do not work systematically when working through a problem and miss some possible solutions.

Common Misconception – Statistics

The size of the angle is the same as the result of the data collected – 3 respondents would be 3 degrees.

Misuse of a protractor leading to incorrectly measured segments.

The wrong type of data is presented in a pie chart.

Children not giving the mean as the average and using the median or the mode.

Miscalculations in summing the data or dividing it by the total number of data points collected.