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Whinless Down Academy

Whinless Down Academy

Term 2

Year  1 Term 2

Key Concepts – Number –  Addition and subtraction

  • That place value is a really important concept which supports all other areas of mathematics and is based on unitizing, treating a group of things as one ‘unit'.
  • That when we add we are putting groups together, therefore making our number bigger.
  • That when we subtract we are removing, therefore making our number smaller.
  • That when we add and subtract we don’t always have to count 1 at a time.
  • That we don’t always have to start at 0 when we count on.
  • That there are different words for add and subtract, but they mean the same thing.
  • That = can be at the start of a number sentence as well as the end.
  • When counting along a number line we need to put our finger on the number we are starting with and as we count we move.

Key Vocabulary

Ones, Tens, Digit, Place value, More than, Less than, Fewer, Greater, one to twenty, add, take away, subtraction, minus, difference, addition, counting, count on, count back, equals, balance, altogether


Key Concepts – Geometry – Position and Direction

  • A whole turn means starting and ending in the same place.
  • ½, ¼ and ¾ are parts of a whole turn and that I will not finish where I started.
  • That clockwise means the direction that the hands of a clock move.
  • That if events are not sequenced correctly then you cannot achieve the desired goal.
  • That days of the week and months of the year run on a continuous cycle.

Key Vocabulary

Position/Direction On, Beside, Behind Below On top of Top/bottom Right/left Between , Near Up/Down In/Out Inside, Outside, Time, Clockwise, Half turn, Whole turn, ¼ turn, ¾ turn, Before, After, Next, First, Today, Yesterday, Tomorrow, Morning/Afternoon Evening Night time, Days of the week, Months of the year

Common Misconceptions – Addition and subtraction

That when adding we start at a number and begin counting on from the next number. E.g. 4 + 3 we would count 1 jump as we reach 5, etc.

That when subtracting we start at a number and begin counting back from the next number. E.g. 8 – 2 we would count 1 jump as we reach 7.

The idea of counting past ten. That the next number is 11.


Common Misconception – Position and direction

The difference between right and left and strategies to learn these.

That turns can only start from one position. E.g. all facing the same direction and completing a ¼ turn