Reading KS2
Adults read to the children every day- in KS2, this is usually from the class text. This gives the children an opportunity to engage with an age appropriate text and listen to the teacher model voice, tone and expression.
Reading sessions in KS2 are taught in a whole class approach as a one hour lesson and at least 3 shorter Reading sessions. The hour session will focus on teaching the key reading skills or NC PoS, usually in relation to the class text. The shorter reading sessions will include a weekly RIC, a longer comprehension task and a shorter activity on skills such as précising, comparing or analysing text types features. Explicit teaching of vocabulary from class texts will also feature in English lessons.
During reading sessions, adults will hear readers and keep assessment records of their reading skills. Termly reading assessments will take place to record progression in reading skills. Children will be regularly assessed against book band levels to ensure they are reading at 95% accuracy. KS2 children will be heard once a week but children in KS2 who are still on coloured banded books outside of year group will be heard at least twice a week by the class teacher or TA.
Reading sessions work best when they are part of the overall English journey for the week- linked to the writing task or to understanding of topic learning.