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Whinless Down Academy

Whinless Down Academy

Term 4

Year 4 Term 4

Key Concepts – Number – Fractions and Decimals

  • Children fully understand that the bigger the denominator, the small the part of a whole.
  • Children understand that some fractions have equivalent fractions and you can use multiples to find these.
  • Children can understand that a hundredth can be found by dividing by 10 and 10 again.
  • Children can understand that when the numerator and the denominator are the same, this makes a whole.
  • Children understand that they can apply their understanding to rounding with whole numbers to rounding with decimals.


Key Vocabulary

Equivalent decimals

Equivalent fractions








Key Concepts –Topic- Position and direction

  • That coordinates are given as (X Y)
  • That translation is the movement of a shape, horizontally, vertically or diagonally.
  • That when a shape is translated, the size or the orientation of the shape has not changed
  • When you translate a shape, all the shapes vertices need to be sitting on a point on a grid


Key Vocabulary


 2D grid



 Translation – movement




X and Y axis

Common Misconceptions –Fractions and Decimals

Children are led to believe that the bigger the denominator, the bigger the part.

Children confuse the numerator and denominator when comparing and ordering fractions.

When children add fractions, they add both the numerator and denominator together

Children believe that when we divide by 10, 100 or 1000 we move the decimal place


Common Misconception – Position and Direction

That when you translate a shape you rotate the shape, but translation is only via straight lines, horizontally, vertically or diagonally.

That coordinates are given as (Y X)

That when you translate a shape, you change the size or orientation of  a shape