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Whinless Down Academy

Whinless Down Academy


Our Trust Board is made of up to nine Trustees which is overseen by our Members. The leadership team of each school are invited by the trustees to attend board meetings.

Governance Structure

The Executive Team consists of the CEO, The Trust Business Manager, The Bursar and the PA to the Executive Headteacher/CEO. They support, alongside the individual school’s leadership team core operational roles such as finance, infrastructure, support mechanisms, training and mentoring and coaching across the trust. 

Local Governance will be undertaken by local people with elected parents and staff on the Local Governing Body of each school. A key principle for the Whinless Down Academy is that each school will keep its autonomy dependent upon the character, ethos and uniqueness that have been instrumental in the choice of school that parents have made and the quality of education and opportunities it provides. We want to support your drive to become outstanding whilst we provide the challenge that allows you to realise that potential. It is understood that schools will need challenge and support at different times and this can often be triggered by a succession of unexpected events over a short period of time or maybe through a longer less overt series of consequences. Whatever the circumstances, changes often need to happen quickly and the support mechanisms and structures will be there to provide it.