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Whinless Down Academy

Whinless Down Academy

EYFS Overview


Term 1

Can you read me a story?

Term 2

How can I make it?

Term 3

What am I?

Term 4

Who are you going to call?

Term 5

Where does it come from?

Term 6

Are we there yet?

Key Texts

The Tiger who came to tea

The Little Red Hen

The Colour Monster

Adventures are the Pits

Room on the broom

Whatever Next!

One two buckle my shoe

The Gingerbread Man

Jolly Christmas Postman

The Nativity


The Gruffalo

The Gruffalo’s Child

For the Birds

The Smeds and The Smoos

Information about Chicks

Chicken Licken


Once in a Lifetime

Norman the Slug with The Silly Shell


Hansel & Gretal

The Easter Story

Ten Little Bugs

Information About Bugs


Something Fishy

The Enormous Turnip

The Tiny Seed

Martha maps it out

Handa’s Noisy Night

Three Billy Goats Gruff

Oliver’s Vegetables

Transition Animation


Writing their name

Environmental print

Handwriting patterns

Listen to and talk about stories.

Writing simple words


Retell stories

Handwriting patterns

Blend sounds in words



Writing simple phrases

Form lower case letters

Spell words using phonic knowledge



Write simple phrases/ sentences

Form capital letters

Read simple phrases


Write simple sentences

Capital letters and full stops

Read simple phrases and sentences



Write simple sentences

Capital letters and full stops

Red simple phrases with developing fluency

Re-read what they have written




Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Revised

Little Wandle Ph 2

s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, l


Tricky words

is, I, the

Little Wandle Ph 2

ff, ll, ss, j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, ch, sh, th, ng, nk

Words with s added to the end


Tricky words

Put, pull, full, as, and, has, his, her, go, no, to, into, she, push, he, of, we, me, be

Little Wandle Ph 3

ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, er

Double letters & longer words


Tricky words

Was, you, they, my, by, all, are, sure, pure

Little Wandle Ph 3

Review all Phase 3


Longer words, including double letters


Tricky words

Review all tricky words taught so far


Little Wandle Ph 4

Short vowels with adjacent consonants

Longer & compound words


Tricky words

Said, so, have, like, some, come, love, do, were, here, little, says, there, when, that, one, out, trolley

Little Wandle Ph 4

Long vowel graphemes with adjacent consonants

Longer words and compound words


Review all tricky words taught so far


Count objects

Compare groups

Understanding 0

Composition 1 & 2

Number bonds 1 & 2

Compare length

Introduce subitising


Count objects

Link numeral to value

Compare numbers

Composition 3 & 4

Number bonds 3 & 4

Make patterns

Compare weight

Select, rotate and manipulate shapes

Link numeral to value

More than and less than (fewer)

Composition 5 & 6

Number bonds 5 & 6

Compare capacity


Composition of numbers 7 & 8

Number bonds 7 & 8

2D & 3D shapes

Make patterns e.g. ABBCABBC

Compare length


Conceptual subitising

Composition 9 & 10

Number bonds 9 & 10

Real life problems

Compare weight

Select, rotate and manipulate shapes


Count beyond 10

Composition of 10

Number bonds to 10

Real life problems

Find 2D shapes within 3D shapes

Compare capacity

Expressive Arts & Design

Construct with a range of materials

Move to and talk about music

Colour mixing

Construct with a range of materials

Plan their creation

Talk about what they have created 


Choose resources independently

Watch & talk about dance and performances

Solving problems 

Use a variety of artistic effects to express their ideas

Working collaboratively

Talk about what they have created.

Sing in a group or on their own, matching pitch and melody

Think of ways to improve creations.

Engage in music making and dance. 

Understanding The World

Talking about family history and local area

Seasons (Harvest & Autumn)

Talk about a person or event from the past.

Explore changes in materials.

Observe changes in living things

Life cycles

Seasons (Winter)

Compare and contrast figures from the past

Seasons (Spring)

Observe the natural world

Make observations of plants


Compare lives in different countries Seasons (Summer) 



Which stories are special and why?


Which people are special and why?


Which places are special and why?


Which times are special and why?


Where do we belong?


What is special about our world?

Famous People


My family history

Captain Tom Moore

Dame Vera Lynn


Axel Scheffler


Marcus Rashford


Queen Elizabeth II


Steve Irwin


Harvest Celebrations

Visit from a baby and parent

Visit to the local post box to post Christmass Cards

Eggs to chicks

Gruffalo hunt in the woods

Visits from people who help us

Visit to a shop

Zoolab experience

Trip to a farm

Reward trips